ı want to remove duplicates just “year”,“month”,“customer no” columns in my data
ı want to this for my data
how can ı do that in uipath?
dataSample.xlsx (9.5 KB)
ı want to remove duplicates just “year”,“month”,“customer no” columns in my data
ı want to this for my data
how can ı do that in uipath?
dataSample.xlsx (9.5 KB)
Hi @burcu_argun
Give an assign activity
NewDt=(From p in dt.Select() where( From q in dt.Select() where string.Join(“,”,q.ItemArray).Equals(string.Join(“,”,p.ItemArray)) Select q).ToArray.Count>1 Select p).ToArray.CopyToDataTable()
then go to Output Datatable activity and print the string variable
Ensure it is removed
Ashwin S
Hi @burcu_argun,
You can use remove duplicates range and the read the sheet.
ı can’t because maybe “ID” and “Customer name” colums can has different value in excel
Hi ,
Use this activity to remove the duplicates from excel.
This link may help you,
but ı want to work if same row duplicated data for 3 colums, ı don’t want to it will only work if the entire row contains duplicated data
Give a try on following
(From d1 In dtData.AsEnumerable
Group d1 By y=d1(“year”), m=d1(“month”), cno=d1(“customerno”) Into Group
Where Group.Count = 1
Select Group.First()).CopyToDataTable
it should retrun all rows that have an unique year, month, customerno combination
please update variabl names and columnreferences accordingly to your scenario
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