Remove duplicates in excel along with row

I have attached an excel along this. Find and remove duplicates along the row. Expected outcome I have mentioned in the attached excel. Kindly help with this scenarioDoubt.xlsx (9.6 KB)

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Hope the steps will help you solve this issue
Use Excel application scope and pass the file path as input
— use read range activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named outdt
— use remove duplicate rows activity and pass the input as datatable obtained above and the output would be a datatable without duplicates
For more info on this

Cheers @Newton_Rich_SV

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Hi @Newton_Rich_SV

As i can see to your excel file the value of column B is jumbled
image i assumed it was just only an example…

you might use this as a reference.

Second scenario: If you can full the data in excel file and make it as datatable and do groupby with the column B(“IF the excel file has a header”)

you might use this as a reference.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


I have tried this method. was not working for me. Kindly help with the same to get the expected output

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Re move duplicate rows should actually work hmmm fine
Kindly Try with this either
—hope you have read the excel with read range activity and output obtained as datatable named outdt
— so use a assign activity like this
Outdt = outdt.DefaultView.ToTable(True,”Columnname1”,”columnnme2”,”columnname3”)
Where mention your table columnname for each column and you will be getting the number of columns mentioned. So mention the one you need.

Hope this would help you
Cheers @Newton_Rich_SV

Hi @Newton_Rich_SV

Check this post

Removing duplicates and getting the value


HI @Palaniyappan
This above code of yours works, but its writing only particular column value in new sheet.