How to remove duplicate values, considering a particular column and write it to other sheet.
give a try on following:
assign activity
LHS: dtCleansed
(From d in YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable
Group d by k=d(YourColBNameOrIndex).toString.trim into grp=Group
Where grp = 1
Select g =grp.First()).CopyToDataTable
it is removing all duplicates
in case of we want to keep also the first from the duplicates or others we can modify as well
Use the LINQ below to get the Unique values from the column!
dataTable = dataTable.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(Function(i) i.Field(Of String)(“columnWithDuplic”))
.Select(Function(g) g.First)
M getting error as " End of Expression is Expected"
use assign activity create a datatable variable! LHS
RHS: YourReadDt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(i) (i)(ofString)(“ColumnWithDuplicate”).Select(Function(g) g.First).CopyTodatatable
refer to the xaml below @nidhi.kowalli
Main.xaml (7.6 KB)
find starter help here:
FindDupsUniquesFirstFromGroup_By1Col.xaml (9.3 KB)
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