Remove datarow

Hello guys i want to remove the datarow in the excel so if there is no data it should not and if data it should remove the data upto that

Hi @Gokul_Murali ,

For above process you can use below steps, range activity to read the excel
2. Filter data table activity, take any one or two columns to confirm entire row is empty.
3. take output and use write range activity to write the data in excel.

for reference you can follow below thread as well

I have used the filter datable like this but data is still there

no you cant use like that

in column you have to provide column name or index
and in operation field you have to select empty like below image

attaching xmal file for reference
Remove_Empty_Rows.xaml (8.2 KB)
Test.xlsx (9.1 KB)

you can refer sheet2 and sheet3
sheet2 is input and sheet3 is the output

try this and let me know if any thing required

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hope you got solution, Please mark answer as solution and close the topic.

Happy Automation!!


Here in this process iam reading the datable without header so how can i give column name inside the filter

You can give column index 1,2 like this

While reading the excel you can check the add header property or simply you can give the index like 1 or 2 or 3 like this based on your column index