Regex.Replace string with quotation marks

I got stuck at the following regex issue: I am OCR reading a document and using part of the read text as a new file name, thus have to remove all invalid characters, if any.

The String variable from OCR looks like: Var = “NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT\r(“Agreement”)\r\a” and I need to remove the quotation marks surrounding word Agreement, but cannot make it. The escape characters work fine.

I am using regex.replace(Var, “\r|\a|"”“, " “), and its variations like [””] but could not make it work on apostrophes. Any ideas how to tackle this?

Thanx and regards


@libork Have you tried Var.Replace(“”“”,“”)

Hi SupermanPunch,
Thanx! I have tried indeed, no luck. If I input the string manually like: “text (”“Agreement”") text ", to get the quotation marks inside the string, I am able to remove it by either regex or replace as you propose. But once it’s the activit generated string, it is not working.

Cheers Libor


You can try Regex Replace activity

[^\w ]

You can try split and give the string which to remove the " "

It will Match anything which is not alphanumeric or Space as below

Mark as solution if this helps



another technique is to bring the " with Chr(34) into the statements

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Hi ppr,
this is the clue, I have followed the same path and found that the apostrophes generated via OCR are not unicode char 34 but u8220 and u8221, which I have no idea how to generate via keyboard and could not be fetched directly by Chr(8220), so I finished with something crazy like:

NewText = Text.Replace(Convert.ToChar(8220).ToString, “”).Replace(Convert.ToChar(8221).ToString, “”)

which works for my case.






This is smart workaround! I would need to retain the other non-alphanumeric chars though, so would use it as last resort.

Thanx a lot



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Mark as solution if this helps

Happy Automation


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