Regarding excel calculation

Hello All,

Within my workflow there’s an error, I’mm unable to move forward. Please check the workflow and help me sorting an issue.
FG_Calculation.xaml (29.3 KB)
I’m getting an error like the given key is not present in the dictionary as mentioned in the screenshot


In excel file Don’t leave any rows blank in sheet1, that’s one of the reasons it says key not present. While entering values , enter them row by row.

Are you calling any dictionary variable apart from reading excel like using any config file with dictionary object

Click on the error button to know at which activity this error is occurring if above mentioned is not working



You can try Excel application scope and read range activity instead of using workbook activities

Even though I’m facing the same issue… Unable to resolve it

The error is in the excel column name. As it mentioned in two line. so In assign activity I have it as “Vehicle”& vblf & “Type” so it worked

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