Refresh of start instead of "Refresh On Change"

Inside of create form activity I have “HTML Element Component” with {{data.Variable}}. In order to have variable inside of component I checked “Refresh On Change”, but I want to refresh only at the start. My project requires that component are not refreshed.

Is there a way to add variable to “HTML Element Component” without constant refreshing that breaks everything as soon as I edit something?

What I tried and worked was:

  • disable Refresh On Change:

  • Change refreshOn in the json (manually edit the json)
    “refreshOn”: “contract_storage”,

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Unfortunately I wasn’t able to recreate that.

This is the json of my columns component:

  "columns": [
      "components": [],
      "width": 6,
      "offset": 0,
      "push": 0,
      "pull": 0,
      "size": "md"
      "components": [
          "label": "HTML",
          "attrs": [
              "attr": "",
              "value": ""
          "content": "{{data.test_variable}}",
          "refreshOnChange": false,
          "key": "html",
          "type": "htmlelement",
          "input": false,
          "tableView": false,
          "hideOnChildrenHidden": false,
          "refreshOn": "test_variable"
      "width": 6,
      "offset": 0,
      "push": 0,
      "pull": 0,
      "size": "md"
  "key": "columns",
  "type": "columns",
  "input": false,
  "tableView": false,
  "label": "Columns"

At the start this json didn’t even have “refreshOn”, so I added it myself.

I have the newest 1.1.11 version of the package

Could you tell me if I’m missing something?
Could you also send me your file? Maybe I will pick up my mistake from that.

I have UiPath.Form.Activities 1.2.1-preview version. However, probably I didn’t understood exactly your problem. When I display a simple HTML element with the variable inside I don’t have any refresh issue, but when I display a pdf file inside a HTML file the pdf is constantly refreshed when I interact with other form components. The solution for me was the one mentioned in my previous message. I have attached an example. In order to run it you will have to add a pdf file called test.pdf.
Test.xaml (8.7 KB) test.pdf (30.5 KB)

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Thank you for you help.
It finally works!

The problem was in the the version.
After switching to 1.2.1-preview everything displayed correctly.

Also, using uipath forms to display pdf, gave me an idea for one of my projects :smiley:
Thank you again!

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