REFramework - The values provided for the root activity's arguments did not satisfy the root activity's requirements: Please note that argument names are case sensitive. (Parameter 'rootArgumentValues')

Dear all,

I’ve been having an issue with Variables and Arguments.

1. I created two variables on my REFramework process which stores where a folder is:
1.1 - RootFolder (Where the LogFile is)
1.2 - LogFile (I’ll create after a TXT to capture the step by step of the process)

Therefore right now on the first page (General Business Process) as I have those variables created:

2. Initialization: When I access the first process, I had the situation below. It seems a missed argument, but when I click there is only one argument.

2.1 - Clicking on Open Workflow: Then I have one Invoke process.

Here I created three arguments:
in_strRootfolder = strRootFolder as I created this variable on the main workflow
in_dirInfo = This variable I created on this process as I won’t use in another part of the flow
in_strLogFile = strRotFile I created on the main workflow too.

So I don’t know what I’m doing wrong as the problem is on in_strLogFile.