REF Framework - Get Transaction Data

Hello everyone,

I am starting with advanced training in academy and couldn’t understand what the below paragraph actually means?

"For a linear process (not repetitive), set out_TransactionItem only for in_TransactionNumber 1 - first and only transaction.

If the process is repeatable, set io_TransactionData once for in_TransactionNumber 1, then assign a new out_TransactionItem by using the in_TransactionNumber to index io_TransactionData. Be aware that, at the end of the io_TransactionData collection, it is your responsibility to set out_TransactionItem to Nothing, thus ending the process."

My interpretation is we set in_TransactionNumber as 1 IF there is only one record (Non Repetable) in the file and if there are more than one record (Repeatable) we start the index from 0th position.But why is it mentioned in the above description that in_TransactionNumber should be set as 1 even for repeatable process?

I also understand that at the end of collection, we should set the TransactionNumber to “Nothing”

Is my understanding of Repeatable and Non REPEATABLE correct?

The below screenshot is part of sample workflow using REF Framework which contains an Input excel sheet stored as data table which has multiple rows. How can it be just in_TransactionNumber = 1? In this case , will it just not read only one row?

Can anyone please help me understand this? Apologies that my question is basic

Hello @ClaytonM, Can you please help me with this post?

in_TransactionNumber = 1
in the If activity… this is typically used to perform certain actions only on the first item, so when it continues to the next item those actions will not be performed again.

Maybe by “repeatable” they don’t mean the entire process but only certain actions that you want to do one time, like I have described. By setting the If condition to check if it is = 1, you are making the actions in the If activity “non-repeatable”.

I am not looking at the ReFramework at the moment, but if you need further explanations let me know, and I’ll take a deeper look into the model so I can understand which part you are having a hard time understand.
