Reading xls files using compatibility mode

When I try to copy a range from a .xls file using copy/paste range activity, i find that the activity have pasted nothing. when I checked the opened .xls file, i find it empty, and I find it to be in compatibility mode. How can I fix this?

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@Abdulaziz ,

Instead of copy/pasting the range and if you are not much worried about the format of the file, use Read range activity, filter/modify the data as per your requirement and insert the required data to destination file with write range or append range activity.

.xls is compatible mode only. Excel use latest extension that is .xlsx. If you open file with extension .xls it will show you compatibility mode. There is nothing to fix this. It’s Microsoft Office.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Not working, same issue, the file is opened in compatibility mode with no data visible.

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@Abdulaziz ,

Can you try to save file in .xlsx format?

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I get an error when I open the converted document:
“excel cannot open the file ** because the file format or the file extention is not valid. Varify that the file has not been corrupted, and that the file extention matches the file format.”

I changed the extention manualy

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Nope! Don’t change it manually. It will definitely corrupt the file.

Change it while creating the file.

Try this or I will try to prepare one sample and share but it will take some time

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Will, I can’t change the format since I download the file from a server in .xls format. and I can’t change it after I download the file since this will defet the purpose of the automation.

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