Reading "*xls" File in a Folder via

Hi guys,

I need to reading a *"xls" files in a folder via vb. net.

How can i do that ?

NOT : I’m not open it just listing in a console
→ ExcelFolder → abc.xls
→ ExcelFolder → bbb.xls
→ ExcelFolder ->ccc.xls


You can use excel activities to read the excel files. What is the reason you want to read via Vb.NET ?

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Hi @Kuki_Force

Use a for each file in folder and use read range from excel activities

If this is what you are looking for

Or if you need only specific then may I know why it is?

If you still need only in code then here is where you can check


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in my process, i used vb code. I cannot use activity.
But i can learn both ways with via code and activities.

Thank you.

@AkshaySandhu , @Anil_G

I found the solution. The code works fine but doesn’t listing in excel files. but listing subfolders and inside of the excel files.
I mean lets say, we have Todays Folder and includes 2 folder and 5 excel file inside of it.
What i want is that => listing that 5 excel files. but the code is listing excel files of inside of the that 2 folders.

    getFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(FolderLocation)
	Console.WriteLine("Number of Folder : " + getFolders.Count.ToString)
	getFiles = Directory.GetFiles(FolderLocation)
	Console.WriteLine("Number of Files : " + getFiles.Count.ToString)
	For Each Folder As String In getFolder
 		Console.WriteLine("Folder : " + lst_KeepFolder.Item(myCounter))
		Excels = Directory.GetFiles(lst_KeepFolder.Item(myCounter).ToString,"*xls")
		For Each Files As String In Excels
			Console.WriteLine(lst_KeepFolder.Item(myCounter).ToString + " -> " + Files.Substring(36)) 'I have an excel files but does not listing.

Thank you

Hi @Kuki_Force

Please remove for folder in folder. You do not need that. That is what is making the files inside the folder to be looped

getFiles = Directory.GetFiles(FolderLocation,"*xls")
Console.WriteLine("Number of Files : " + getFiles.Count.ToString)

	For Each Files As String In getFiles


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Just modify your code to look something like below
Directory.GetFiles(FolderLocation, "*.xlsx", SearchOption.AllDirectories)

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Just incase you are looking for .NET code then you can use the below

dt_Temp = Read_Range("H:\Temp\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx")
dt_Temp2 = Read_Range("H:\Temp\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet_2.xlsx")
'Do you coding here
End Sub

Public Function Read_Range(ExcelFilePath As String) As DataTable 
Dim conn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dtr As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim dta As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim cmd As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim dts As DataSet
conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + ExcelFilePath + ";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;")
dta = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From [Sheet1$]", conn)
dts = New DataSet
dta.Fill(dts, "[Sheet1$]")
Read_Range = dts.Tables(0)
End Function

Sub Test()

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Thanks for answer and effort. :slight_smile:

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