Hi ,
my usecase i need to read multiple file in folder ,i used directory .get files("folderpath) this syntax.after i used foreach i can get each files from folder,but how to read it,i used read range activity ,it is thrown error.
Hi ,
my usecase i need to read multiple file in folder ,i used directory .get files("folderpath) this syntax.after i used foreach i can get each files from folder,but how to read it,i used read range activity ,it is thrown error.
What’s the error you are getting?
Hie @nirmalad123 here are the steps to read
Hi @nirmalad123
Make sure the sheet name for all the files are same, If not based on that you can give the sheet name.
Gowtham K
Hi @nirmalad123
You can use the For each file in folder activity then it will iterate through each file in the specified folder. Inside For each file in folder activity insert the Read range workbook activity and give the CurrentFile.toString in File name field.
Hope it helps!!
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