Reading Row Count into New Datatable


I believe I am referencing the wrong datatable in my read range activity. I attempted to replace JavaSEDatatable with rowcount, but I’m getting an error. Is it because I have .toString at the end? The automation is attempting to capture the following steps:

  1. Read Java SE Subscription tab
  2. Obtain a row count based off the last row in the region column that has data
  3. Create a new table based on the row count produced in the assign activity

The information will be copied to another workbook. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


You need not read again

You can use dt.AsEnuemrable.skip(count) to skip those many rows as needed


Hi @jenn.cruz

You can try Filter Data Table Activity to remove or preserve the desired rows based on conditions and generating new Data Table to save in another workbook

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