Getting row count based on a specific column


I’m just starting on my RPA journey and could use some assistance. I need to obtain a row count based on the last cell in a particular column that has data. I know there are various activities I can use for this, but a bit stuck on the argument to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @jenn.cruz

after reading your excel and getting itself into a datatable variable,
you can get the rowcount with the following query

dtVar.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) x("YourColumnName").ToString().Trim()).ToArray().Where(Function(y) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(y)).ToArray().Count



Read Range into a datatable. Then yourDT.Rows.Count gives you the row count.

Thank you! For “Your Column Name” can I put A or do I need to use the Region title? I was concerned that I may receive an error since the Region is not on the first row.

you should put your column header, in this case Region will be the one

Thank you. This is what I initially did, but it was picking up a total row on row 4999 which I do not want.

I’m receiving the below error. Does it have something to do with the output for read range?

your rowcount variable should be of type Int32 or else add a .ToString() to the code i shared like this

dtVar.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) x("YourColumnName").ToString().Trim()).ToArray().Where(Function(y) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(y)).ToArray().Count.ToString()


Thank you! I’m getting closer thanks to you. I received the error below. Would it be beneficial to start my read range at A2?

just make sure to check the addHeaders property in your read range activity

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That means your Excel file has a bunch of rows with empty values. You can use Filter Data Table to get rid of the empty rows.

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