Reading Excel and splitting values into three variables based on the first two characters?

Hi All,

I have an Excel file with a column “Vendor Code”.

If the values starts with 74, I want it in a variable called “non_trade”.

If the values starts with 75, I want it in a variable called “ced”.

If the values starts with 76, I want it in a variable called “bsd”.

How do I achieve this ?


Hi @uio

Use Else If activity

ElseIf Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("74")
    Assign: non_trade = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString

Else If Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("75")
    Assign: ced = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString

Else If Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("76")
    Assign: bsd = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString



It may be better to use Dictionary if there are multiple rows regarding same category for example in case there are 74123 and 74001 in the same sheet.

dict = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r("Vendor Code").ToString).GroupBy(Function(s) s.Substring(0,2)).ToDictionary(Function(g) g.Key, Function(g) g.toArray)

Sample (9.5 KB)


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Hi @uio

Read Range Workbook
Output-> dt_VendorCodes

Use below linq expression syntaxes in Assign acitvity:

Assign Acitivty -> non_trade = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
             Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("74")
             Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()

Assign Activity -> ced = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
       Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("75")
       Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()

Assign Activity-> bsd = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
       Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("76")
       Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()

non_trade (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))
ced (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))
bsd (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))

If you have multiple values in the datatable the above linq espressions will store that valuss in a list.

You can print a list by using the syntax:

String.Join(Environment.NewLine, non_trade)

In the same qay you can print ced and bsd also.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @uio

You can use the below LINQ Expressions to store the required data in a specified variables.
→ Use the Read range wokbook activity to read the excel and store in a datatable called Datatable.
→ Then use the assign activities and create variable and use the below LINQ Expressions,

-> Assign -> non_trade = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("74")).ToString

- Assign -> ced = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("75")).ToString

- Assign -> bsd = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("76")).ToString

Hope it helps!!