(uipath test)
July 5, 2024, 6:16am
Hi All,
I have an Excel file with a column “Vendor Code”.
If the values starts with 74, I want it in a variable called “non_trade”.
If the values starts with 75, I want it in a variable called “ced”.
If the values starts with 76, I want it in a variable called “bsd”.
How do I achieve this ?
(Lakshman Reddy)
July 5, 2024, 6:22am
Hi @uio
Use Else If activity
ElseIf Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("74")
Assign: non_trade = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString
Else If Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("75")
Assign: ced = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString
Else If Condition: CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString.StartsWith("76")
Assign: bsd = CurrentRow("Vendor Code").ToString
July 5, 2024, 6:31am
It may be better to use Dictionary if there are multiple rows regarding same category for example in case there are 74123 and 74001 in the same sheet.
dict = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) r("Vendor Code").ToString).GroupBy(Function(s) s.Substring(0,2)).ToDictionary(Function(g) g.Key, Function(g) g.toArray)
Sample20240705-3.zip (9.5 KB)
1 Like
(PS Parvathy)
July 5, 2024, 6:32am
Hi @uio
Read Range Workbook
Output-> dt_VendorCodes
Use below linq expression syntaxes in Assign acitvity:
Assign Acitivty -> non_trade = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("74")
Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()
Assign Activity -> ced = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("75")
Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()
Assign Activity-> bsd = (From row In dt_VendorCodes.AsEnumerable()
Where row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code").StartsWith("76")
Select row.Field(Of String)("Vendor Code")).ToList()
non_trade (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))
ced (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))
bsd (DataType: System.Collections.Generic.List(System.String))
If you have multiple values in the datatable the above linq espressions will store that valuss in a list.
You can print a list by using the syntax:
String.Join(Environment.NewLine, non_trade)
In the same qay you can print ced and bsd also.
Hope it helps!!
(Mahesh Kankatala)
July 5, 2024, 6:36am
Hi @uio
You can use the below LINQ Expressions to store the required data in a specified variables.
→ Use the Read range wokbook activity to read the excel and store in a datatable called Datatable.
→ Then use the assign activities and create variable and use the below LINQ Expressions,
-> Assign -> non_trade = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("74")).ToString
- Assign -> ced = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("75")).ToString
- Assign -> bsd = Datatable.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(X) X("Vendor Code").toString.StartsWith("76")).ToString
Hope it helps!!