Hi Team,
In input Excel i have to read the columns where i am facing the issue.
Below is the input file
Sample.xlsx (157.7 KB)
each row i need to read from the above excel.
Please can you help me the solution
Thanks in Advance
Hi Team,
In input Excel i have to read the columns where i am facing the issue.
Below is the input file
Sample.xlsx (157.7 KB)
each row i need to read from the above excel.
Please can you help me the solution
Thanks in Advance
Try using read range excel activity and give the first cell value and it would read till end
Then we can use for each row in datatable
But @Anil_G did you see the rows it is added each record in multiple rows.
Still can we extract it?
Hello @vinjam_likitha
You file have duplicate column name. it will caue the error while you reading the data from A4
Or else you can use read range like “A4:J20” and use filter data table to remove the empty values in 1st column
Refer to this Xaml file you may get some idea.
Forum_ExcelRead.xaml (8.8 KB)
I am facing issue in opening the xaml that u have shared
Same columns is the one issue, but i cannot remove the duplicates columns because those are required columns
The other issue is rows ,can i read the rows and extract values because each record is present in multiple lines
ex–first record in 5 lines(2,3,4,5,6) in excel
Thanks in Advance
For removing the empty line we need to use the Filter data table. Refer to this file.
Forum_Excel.zip (204.2 KB)
With duplicate you cant raed the whole data, then read the data in certain range which dont have duplicate column name or else read range properties of Add headers is diabled
You can read it…
So after reading the data …use for each row and check if first column is empty merge it.Check the xaml
And for column names you can use column index as well… I guess the columns are constant so use column index…
BlankProcess5 - Copy (10).zip (3.4 KB)
can we write logic where each record complete data will be placed in one row
This is the logic for merging the rows only
In if condition i am checking if request id is empty or not and when empty i am merging and when not i am assuming it is the correct row
@Anil_G in assign activity you have mentioned column name which column name i should give
That is a example of how you can merge rows…so …ideally you have to use each column name or column index…else you can use a for loop on column as well and give this assign inside that for loop so that it also would happen for all column…
As I see only few columns are having data in all the rows…I did not use for loop for looping through all columns as it would append blank data …so You can specify only those columns where you know there is data to be merged into the first row as a single row
only the highlighted column has data I guess in all rows
there are 3 to 4 columns also can i apply same assign activity for other columns as well
Can you please test with the xaml that you have shared
I am facing some issue
Below is the input file
Sample.xlsx (130.6 KB)
What issue are you facing?
My xaml is a prototype to give idea it does not reflect the exact columns
If you can let me know what you did and what issue you are facing may be L can help
Sample.xlsx (160.1 KB)
please See the output in sheet 2 when i run the bot
Please try this…I guess the value is in last row not in first when we extract
BlankProcess5 - Copy (11).zip (4.4 KB)
please kindly let me know how to resolve the issue
Still i am getting the same output after running the bot
Can you please provide your xaml which you are trying to read…
And also for loop type argument must be changed from object to integer…
Hope this helps