Read specific rows and write it as column in another excel

Actually im trying to automate a manual process where there is an excel which has data of a company and email ids associated with it. The excel will have columns like below.

Company name, contact person-1, email-1, contact person-2, email-2… and similar up to contact person-6.

Thing is, to upload this sheet in a toll, there is a tedious process of transposing and the new excel will be something as below:

company name, contact person, email
ABC, Mr.X,
ABC, Mr.Y,
TYU, Mr.Z, zz@gmailcom

something like this. if there are more than one email id in a company, it should be entered in the next row.if there is not more than one id, it should read and write next company details.
Im stuck in place where multiple ids has to be written one after another.Can anyone pls provide some help?

Hi @Inkittuserme_i ,
UiPath has a direct package (DataManipulations.Activities) and activity (Transpose Data) for excel transpose function.

Mark as solution if it works :white_check_mark:

Check this below workflow, @Inkittuserme_i
Uipath_ReadSpecificRows.xaml (9.8 KB) and find the input file which I used TEST.xlsx (9.6 KB)
Hope this may help you :slight_smile:

Thank you so much. It helped me a lot

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