Read Range Workbook: The text value is not a valid enumeration value

Hi all,

I am trying to read an excel sheet but every run I get that error message : Read Range Workbook: The text value is not a valid enumeration value.

I use a basic “Read Range Workbook” activity and that’s the first time I have that error.
Here is a screen capture of the configured activity :


Can anybody help me with that issue ?

Best Regards,

HI @Ahmed_Loirdi

Welcome to community!!
Have you tried with Excel Activities?

Excel Application Scope and Read Range?



Just to check can you try giving absolute path insread of relative path


Hello @Ahmed_Loirdi

Welcome to UiPath community…!

Can you click on the folder button and select the file that is required.

Also plz check the sheetname that you have provided


What is the full path name to your Excel sheet?


I already tried that and I got the same issue


Here is the fullpath that : “C:\Users\XXXXXX\Documents\UiPath\CC01 - Change TEI\CC01_Change TEI\TaskList\LOIRDI_AHMED_Tasks List_04012023_022632.xlsx

A very common path to a C drive :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi @Ahmed_Loirdi,

Please check any hyper links aviliable in your excel file? If yes please convert to text and re-try the activity. Let me if it’s work or not?

Pavan Kumar


Done and I got the same issue

Okay Can you give your full path of the file and check once

Full Path like C:\Users\Demo.…

Or the file is in the project folder means

Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory,"Your file path")



Thank you!
I already did that because initially the path came from a variable and to check if the issue was from the path inputted I use the solution you proposed but it returned me the same error message.


Can you share the workflow with a sample excel that you are using?

Can you try with any other file to check if its the file issue or code issue


This will be awkward :smile: But try once @Ahmed_Loirdi

Use kill process and delay of 3 seconds before read range activity



Thank you for your help.
The issue is coming from the Sheet Name which seems to be too long or something.
I replaced it by a classic Sheet1 and it worked perfectly.

Thank you everyone for you support.

Best Regards,

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