Read Range: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'Workbook')

Hello guys i have automation using office 365 scope activity and inside that scope i have a find files and folders. And then i want to read excel on that specific folder but it give me error like this Read Range: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘Workbook’)
What it does mean? *PS I have a value in that xlsx file

Hi @Kelvin1

Can you show the properties of read range please

Did you provide a input range ?

And is your find files returning a file or folder?


Hi @Anil_G here is my properties of my read range

I didnt provide a input range, is it matter ?

my find files returning a file

I tried to provide the range but its still giving me error like that

Hi @Kelvin1

Can you print what is there in output and check i beleive that ia not having the required information


@Anil_G Which output did you mean? i cant do read range, how can i print the output?

Hi @Kelvin1

I see you are using a variable output which I believe is the output from Find files for first occurrence. Can you check if that is retrieving the correct file

In log message try giving output.Name or output.WebUrl to check if it is getting the correct file or not


Hi @Anil_G i tried it , its give me error like this now Log Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Hi @Kelvin1

That means you are not getting anything from file files…your find files is not retrieving any data. You gave to first correct that. Please check the query and sub folder properties in find files


I dont know why the system read the variable is null. When i start using the find files and folder i was uploading the file using upload file activity with that variable as a destination

@Anil_G Before that i already use that same find files and i did some upload file. Everythings goes smoothly, but idk why it giving me error now

@Anil_G even now i can did upload another file, do u know why this issue occur?

Hi @Kelvin1

Try giving the variable in Result field(variable1) and do variable1.count to know if find files is retrieving any files or not. Clearly your output variable is empty so find files is not giving any data. Check the properties to get the correct details


else please give a screenshot here of sharepoint and the properties of find files


Hi @Anil_G ah i see, i already solved the problem. There is an issue in sub folder in find files and folder

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