Read range(Settings and constants sheet)Illegal characters in path

Read range(Settings and constants sheet)Illegal characters in path.
In read config used deserialize json activity
for deserializeJson activity,output is Out_Json data.Getting output as D:/Users/ss/Documents/UiPath/testprocess/Data/
After that in init all settings for read range activity,Read range(Settings and constants sheet)Illegal characters in path.error coming.
How to resolve this please help?


I had the same issue when passing the config file as an argument, just print the config path into a notepad from your process, then check for the path written into the notepad file to identify the additional character. While configuring the path, put it in a notepad file to clear all encodings before us it.

output we are getting is D:/Users/ss/Documents/UiPath/testprocess/Data/
but to access this file in our system we use this path D:\Users\ss\Documents\UiPath\testprocess\Data\


Can you show how you are using. In read range…
Ideally you should use Out_Jsondata("SharedDrivePath").ToString


Double-check the file path for the “Read range” activity to ensure that it is correct and properly formatted. Make sure that all forward slashes are properly escaped with a backslash.


used like this Out_JsonData.Value (of string)(“ShareDrivePath”)


Can you please print using log message and check also …


In log message I am getting like this


Just to confirm use a .trim …to ensure no spaces are there

And also try enclosing it like this Path.Combine(varContainingpath)


If I debug like this it is coming
some extra characters are coming


Can you please use like this and try please

What extra characters are coming?


tried this way also same output coming.
backslash is coming at sharedrivepath &after ":"


Can you show the code snippet from UiPath studio and also the output screenshots please

That will help understand better


output path
path coming like for in_configData


Path looks correct…in locas panel it is seen like that because to escape inerted comma that is not a problem…

Did you enclose in path.Combine(var)

Also try giving the same path as hardcoded…as well can you please show read range screenshot


like this I am getting
for this also it is throwing illegal characters in path.


I see you are getting extra inverted comma…

Which should jot be comming…I believe because if that you are getting this issue

Are you assignning this to in_configfile in arguments?


And in the file please do not give extra inverted comma if present
