Read Hindi text using Ocr

I am working on a project which requires me to read hindi from pdf and images. Is it possible to do that using any of the ocr techniques?

Hi Naresh,

Yes, as long as you set up Google OCR to Hindi. The steps are here:

But I have no such file path with the “tessdata” folder name “C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\tessdata” nor do i have a UiPath Studio folder in ProgramFiles/ProgramFiles(x86). Is it because I am using the community edition?

Yes, it’s because you have CE. Because for Community and Trial/Enterprise there are different installers, the paths are different.

Please check this path: C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-18.1.0\tessdata.

Thanks viorela. I managed to find the path and read hindi using Google OCR by converting the language from “eng” to “hin”.

Hi @ovi

I am using Enterprise edition and Uipath is installed only on Appdata path but I am not able to find tessdata folder. Could you please suggest?


hi @jamnanin ,

Could you please suggest me the steps, i am also using CE edition and not able to find tessdata path :frowning:


@Atuls @Boopathi

Go to " C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-(pick latest version)" and if there is no tessdata folder then simply create it and put language file in there.

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hi jamnanin , i am also trying to extract some data from hindi pdf and also using community edition of uipath so can u suggest ,me how to use this for extraction.