Read excel name column value match with excel sheet name and send email as attachment and give the result successful or failed for each

Individual Target Sheet.xlsx (69.5 KB)

Hi All i am trying to build a bot i am still learning it will be a great help for me
i want to build bot to Read excel name column value to match with excel sheet name and send email that one sheet as attachment and give the result successful or failed for each


  1. First use a use excel file and give the excel path
  2. Use for each row in excel with Excel.Sheet("sheetname")
  3. Inside loop use read rangw with Excel.Sheet(currentrow.ByField("Emp Name").StringValue) and assign it to dt
  4. Use a write range workbook and write the dt to the newexcel as you need
  5. Send outlook mail message activity with attachment as the file created and mail id as currenrow.ByField("Mail").StringValue

You can use a try catch if you see that the sheet might not exists or can check first if sheet exists or not before read range


can you give example


I have given whole of the process itselft above

Please try the same


Hi Anil
thanks for the help process is working nice
but i want to attaché the excel sheet for that particular name sheet now i run this its attaching the hole excel file


You need to use a write range and write only required sheet to a separate excel and then attach that new excel instead of the original one




In attach what did you attach


Team Target Mail (107.2 KB)
here is my hole work flow
when i run the bot he is sending others file as well i want ex: Name A attach A sheet for B name B sheet pls help me

Any update on this
i am not able to resolve this


Please check this

Team Target Mail (107.4 KB)


Thank You So000000 much

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