Read Excel cell without opening table

Good evening,

I would like to read a cell from an Excel XLSB file.
The file should remain closed, otherwise a macro activates and disturbs the program.

I use a “Use Excel” activity and the modern “read Cell” activity. (The “Read Cell Workbook” activity is not compatible with XLSB. )
On each attempt, the Excel spreadsheet is opened and “checked” (highlighted in yellow).
As file path I use the last file that was stored in the folder.

String.Join(“”, Directory.GetFiles(FilePath, “",SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderByDescending(Function(d) New FileInfo(d).CreationTime).Take(Directory.GetFiles(FilePath, "”,SearchOption.AllDirectories).count-1) )

Looking forward to your solutions :slight_smile:

Hi @nowak.moritz

Did you try with this property to false?

You can as well try Macro setting to disable


HI @nowak.moritz

You can try with @Anil_G suggestion and if you don’t need to Audit log

Go to Project panel → Setting → UI Automation → Robot Log