Read cell value Excel

I am reading workbook cell value which comes as double. When I try to use it as value.ToString I am getting only 0. Why I am not getting the -562.98 value from the cell? Please help.

Thank you,

Are you using read cell workbook activity? have you enabled preserve format.
and what is the cell type in excel


Thank you, @muktadir
I will try checking the property to preserve format.
When I read cell it says double value.

Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

Can you try this

stringValue = cellValue.ToString("F2")


What is F2?

Thank you,

Hi @A_Learner

cellValue is the numeric variable being converted.
.ToString("F2") formats the number as a fixed-point number with 2 decimal places.

For example, if cellValue is 123.456, stringValue would be "123.46" (rounded to two decimal places).


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