RE Framework Open Browser Error

I’m trying to open a browser with a the URL stored on the config file, but I get this error: Open Browser: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I get this error while running only the Test Frameworks in RE Framework.

Can somebody help

If you kept your browser URL in the config file, then input like this,
Config(“YourName”).tostring.trim to open browser.

The Config dictionary is created inside the REFramework, so if the Config dictionary is a parameter to your workflow, you’ll need to set the default to a dictionary containing the elements you plan to use in the workflow.

e.g. Config = New Dictionary(Of String, Object) From {{"MyKey1", "MyValue1"}, {"MyKey2", "MyValue2"}}

I tried but still I’m getting same error

I think you are using the wrong name in,

What is dictionary name you used pass the same name try this. And also share me the snapshot of the dictionary name and how you pass the value to the specific activity.

Hello, I saw that there was no solution. I’m with the same problem, would someone know to point me where I’m wrong please?