Re frame work - get text issue

get text activity only extract captured image text only . next iteration its not getting any text

you can use get attribute instead of that, and mention innertext or aaname based on selector

on each iteration cliend id , account number and amount changes . get text only extracting client id:PO26319 . when client id changes on next iteration out put become blank

Use the regex pattern to get the client id, client name and etc…
Ex: (Client ID: )(\w*)

Hi @Anoop_Kumar_C,

Make sure the selectors you define also work when you refresh the page.

You can get more support if you share the selectors.


Have been struggling with this issue all day, Selectors have nothing to do with it. Successfully extracts correct data from whatever work item is open when I debug that workflow, but when I run the full process its behavior is completely different for literally no reason. I’m not even trying to complete the assignment anymore, I just want to know how UiPath is doing something that is literally impossible.

It’s not doing something impossible. It could be that there is something wrong with their fake web page, or that it’s user error since you’re a beginner.

Zip your project folder and attach it here so we can look at it directly.