Queues Compare with Excel Values

Hi Team,

I am quite new to Uipath. Need some the below information

  1. How to get the values present in a queue (say contains 50 Account Numbers)
  2. Another excel contains 60 account numbers i need to compare these 50 account numbers(in queue) with 60 account numbers(in excel) and return the 10 left out account numbers.
    If someone provide step by step details would be more helpful

Hi @Robotics

To get values from queue, you can use Get Transaction Item activity. Then you can compare with values with excel (Read range activity).

Saranya K R

Hi @Robotics You can follow these steps in below workflows

That’s not how queues are used. Queues are used to get the items one by one and do something with them. So what you’d want to do is a transactional automation (there’s a template for this) that gets a queue item, compares it, does whatever else you need to do, then marks the transaction success or fail, loops back around and gets the next transaction.

I want to extract all those transactions irrespective of the status is New, Successful, Failed.
Will this Get Transaction Item works?

Get Queue Items activity would help in your scenario to get all queue items.

Then use Get Queue Items, loop through them and compare each to the Excel (which you’ve read into a datatable).

Yes got the result. In queues under Reference Number we got the account number like

Is there any option to extract only those records uploaded on 2nd november?

Any updates on the above query?

  • From - Filters transactions by the minimum creation date. It accepts DateTime values.
  • To - Filters transactions according to the maximum creation date. It accepts DateTime values.

From and To property would help here.

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