Queue autoretry

How does queue auto retry work? Please provide me with scenarios? Is it when adding queue items or processing queue items etc.

Thank you so much!!

Hi @A_Learner

In Queues, when add a queue item their status is set to NEW
When you process a queue item the status is change to In Progress

While processing queue If any exception occurs (It can be Business Exception or System Exception)

When a queue item is failed due to System exception then that queue item is retry (Depends how many times you want to retry it

When a queue item is failed due to Business exception it cannot be retry

Hi @A_Learner

Auto Retry works when processing the transaction items present in a queue. If a System Exception occurs, the transaction item will be auto retried. You can specify the number of retries while creating a New Queue or in Config file. If you enable Auto Retry while creating a queue you can change the number of retries, default will be 1.

Check the below image for better understanding:

If you are not working with queues, and working with datatables, then you can change the MaxRetryNumber present in Config file to required value. Initially it will be 0.

Check the below image for better understanding:

Hope you understand!!



When an item is failed with system exception and if auto retry is enabled a new queue item is created for it to process again till it reaches the max retry number provided


Thank you, @Anil_G
If max retry is set to 3,
try#1 process retries the queue item by adding it as a new item to the queue. If it is succesful, does it go to try#2? If it fails does it go to try#2?

What happens to the initial failed status?

Thank you,

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