Python scope Mexicobl update

Hi Team,

As we found output 'python scope Mexicobl update: the specific python path is not valid: and continue with path find attached screenshot for your reference, please advise me to come up with the scenario.

Thanks for your all support

Hello @Gopala_Krishnan_A
Try this
Open the Command prompt, Type where python and press enter.
You can see the path. Copy and paste it into your scope.

@Gopala_Krishnan_A Hi As i see in the screenshot just want to know what is python38-32?
In the python activities you have provide the right path till the right folder.
it should be %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\PythonXX\python.exe

Let me know if it works for you

Hi Rajat,

I have gone through but I didn’t got the path but, any other suggestions please.


Hi Gokul,

I have gone through as per your instructions, I got the path but there is Microsoft Store block find attached screenshot for your reference

Any advice please

Thank you

@Gopala_Krishnan_A , From my knowledge, your machine has no python installed.
Check your machine whether python installed or not
if not installed, Contact System admin and ask to install python.

Looks like it is not installed
One test u can do is access enviroment variable in the windows and check if you have any enter for python path where it is installed

Yeah Gokul it’s not installed I will connect system administrator to install, thank you very much for your support