Publish Of Windows Project Fails In Orchestrator Version Below 20.10.6

After creating a Windows test case trying to Publish the test case to Orchestrator, invalid package details is thrown?

Errors observed:

  1. An error occurred reading package archive stream: Unsupported targetFramework value 'net5.0-windows7.0'.System.IO.InvalidDataException: Unsupported targetFramework value 'net5.0-windows7.0'.

at void NuGet.Packaging.ManifestReader.ReadMetadataValue(ManifestMetadata manifestMetadata, XElement element, HashSet<string> allElements)

at ManifestMetadata NuGet.Packaging.ManifestReader.ReadMetadata(XElement xElement)

at Manifest NuGet.Packaging.ManifestReader.ReadManifest(XDocument document)

at Manifest NuGet.Packaging.Manifest.ReadFrom(Stream stream, Func<string, string> propertyProvider, bool validateSchema)

  1. UiPath.Orchestrator.Core.Exceptions.BadRequestException: Error code - 1654, Message - 'Invalid package details!'

---> UiPath.Orchestrator.NuGet3.Server.FeedException: Uploaded content is not a valid NuGet archive: Unsupported targetFramework value 'net5.0-windows7.0'.

Root Cause: It is the expected behavior in Orchestrator 2020.10.4. But for uploading NuGet packages targeting net5.0 TFM, it is needed to have at least minimum Orchestrator version 2020.10.6 or higher.

Workaround: Use the legacy/packages that works fine with TFM compatibility.

Fix: If upgrade the Orchestrator to 20.10.6 or higher is required, upload NuGet Windows packages targeting net5.0 TFM.
Refer Orchestrator Standalone 2020.10 - Release Notes 2020.10.6 Improvements .