Proper Retry Mechanism

HI ,
How can I implement exception handling in a flowchart /Sequence / state machine process, specifically for scenarios like download or upload failures? I aim to design a system where, upon encountering errors, the bot retries the failed step and, if unsuccessful after a few attempts, either resumes from where it left off or restarts the entire process. Additionally, I want the system to send email after 2 / 3 retries to inform stakeholders about the failure. What strategies or mechanisms can be employed to achieve this robust error handling and retry functionality in my automated process?

Hi @Automation_User ,

When dealing with potential failures, particularly in separate steps such as file downloads or uploads within a process, it’s advisable to employ effective exception handling mechanisms. Utilizing try-catch blocks or retry scopes around specific sets of activities can provide a structured approach. It’s crucial to identify the nature of the failure, determining whether relaunch is necessary and which step requires rerunning. Segregating and categorizing potential issues allows for a more targeted and strategic use of retry mechanisms. It’s essential to recognize that retrying can’t be applied arbitrarily; understanding the specific conditions and steps involved ensures a more precise and efficient handling of exceptions in the automated process.

Happy Automation !

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Thanks for the detailed info

Hi @Automation_User

For these conditions that the file is downloads or upload fails. You can use the Try catch activity to catch the exception and you can handle the exception for smooth flow.

To retry the process if any thing is failed, use the retry scope activity to retry the process if any exception occurred in the process where it is Sequence, flowchart or any state machine. (RE Framework State machine is already built with Retry mechanism then no need to use any retry scope activity).
To give the no of retries it has to process, open the properties of retry scope activity then you can find the Number of retries you can mention there.

check the below image for better understanding,

There is one more technique called Global exception handler, which helps to retry the whole process for 3 times by default.

Hope it helps!!

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