Process Start HTTP URL


I’m looking for a way to start a process via URL on our On Premise Orchestrator. I would also like to give a command / ID via URL. Can someone help me with what solution I can implement this?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey @Crusha

There are API endpoints available, which you can access like below…


You will need to do a post API call with few details in the request body to trigger a job. All these details can be clearly known from the above URL.

Hope that helps.


Thank you that helped me. I’ve gotten it to work so far that it theoretically starts my unattended, but unfortunately an error message comes up that I don’t understand where the error is here. Can you help me?

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Hey @Crusha

Could you please help me understand the first line of the error in English.

Sorry for that pls.


I don’t even understand them in German :smiley:

Orchestrator HTTP Request: This request method requires a JSON payload. Parameter name: JSONPayload

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Hey @Crusha

Sorry that I don’t know German.

The request you build needs json content in the body to be passed.

If I’m not wrong I believe you are doing a POST request.


Correct I use a post command via Swagger.


Do I then have to set the Orchestrator HTTP Request to Post as well?


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Hey @Crusha

Yes you need to set it to POST and pass the job details to start as a JSON string payload in the request body.


Could you give me an example of the JSON string payload how it looks like?

Currently I’m posting this via Swagger: “InputArguments”: “{"Argu1":"test"}”

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Hey @Crusha

There is already a sample in swagger, if that still not works please let me know.


when error is talking about nutzlast and it is a post involved then some additional paramters are to sent.

Mit der Nutzlast ist das gemeint, was wir im Body dem call /Rest endpoint mitübergeben.

A RnD with Swagger would give you a good introduction on what is needed