Process compilation error: Cannot convert JObject to JObject

Hi everybody.
After upgrading my studio to 24.4.3 (Enterprise) and upgrading the packages of a library and a process that use this library as referecence, the following error is occuring when compiling the process to upload it to orchestrator:

Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:
Unable to create activity builder for Process\CheckUserExists.xaml. Reason was ‘Set property ‘API_Coupa.Users.Retrieve_User.out_JsonReturnedError’ threw an exception. Object of type ‘System.Activities.OutArgument1[Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Activities.OutArgument1[Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject]’.’.

Both the library and the project use the same UiPath.System version (23.4.2) the error still occurs on 23.4.3. I didn’t test with versions 23.5-preview or 23.6 preview.

The output argument out_JsonReturnedError on the activity Retrieve_User being called on CheckUserExists.xaml is correctly assigned to a variable of type Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject, so I dont think I have a casting error here.

No errors occurs when pushing the buttons Analyze File/Project or Validate File/Project also.

Someone got that error before?


Did you try deleting the argumnet and recreating it?


Yep, Same error :frowning:
I created a new argument on the library, replacing the older one, compiled, and installed the new package version on the process. Same error.


Are there any dependency conflicts that you see?

Can you check the imports pane if there are any errors


Hi @lucas.stern ,

Could you let us know what are the dependencies used in the Process and also the Library ?

Basically, trying to check if there are dependencies which have Newtonsoft.Json dependencies having different versions on different packages installed.

No dependency conflicts. No error on the imports in any of the xaml that exists on both solution (project and library).

Both projects are using the same dependencies:


Newtonsoft reslves to 13.0.1 on both either

Hi @lucas.stern

Any chance you could share dummy projects that you have this issue on? It would help us investigate it a bit quicker :slight_smile:

I already reported this a long time ago guys.

They partially fixed it, I also had a ticket open with UiPath support, it was closed as it now is ‘possible’ to compile in 23.4.3 but you need to repeatedly hit publish and after 3 or 5 times it completes. I didnt realize this when the ticket was closed as it seemed to compile immediately on simpler test projects. The issue indeed still persists however.

Just want to mention that I also encounter this bug. Had to remove an activity from our framework because it would otherwise be unusable.

I just noticed that this only happens in our frameworks if the “Separate Runtime Dependencies” toggle is turned OFF