Problem with starting the process

I started the process on the robot machine and it tells me an error.
Did anyone know how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.

:\Users\evaprod\Desktop>“C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe” -file “C:\Robot\AzureIzvjestaji\lib\net45\Main.xaml” /executor /monitored
AzureIzvjestaji: RemoteException wrapping System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
at UiPath.Core.Activities.ScopeActivity.OnFaulted(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.Invoke(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
at System.Activities.Runtime.FaultCallbackWrapper.FaultWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
Press any key to continue . . .

Hello, can you please provide more information on what your app is doing with screen shots?
This could be caused by a number of issues like if you are using an Excel and it is open when the app is started to a variable not being declared.

Try to repair your Excel using the Repair Tool for Microsoft Office from UiPath Studio → Apps

UiRobot.exe execute --file "C:\UiPath\Automation\Project.json" :warning:
UiRobot.exe execute --file "C:\UiPath\Automation\Main.xaml" :warning:

Important note: :warning: not supported for Windows or Portable projects.

Otherwise, you will see an error as such:

You can only run .NET6 .nupkg files or published process from the UiRobot command line.

Reference: Arguments Description

Here’s an overview of the process

How far does the app get before stopping/error?
When the CSV is downloaded is there any pop-ups?
Pretty sure something with the Excel is causing the issue.


stop before this part.

I would put a breakpoint in at that section and check your file paths are correct, use writeline and check them.


Stop working on this part.

15:49:08.3457 Error {"message":"Format Cells: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC","level":"Error","logType":"Default","timeStamp":"2023-01-13T15:49:08.3457731+01:00","fingerprint":"3966a10b-b999-416d-8936-b2adbba5bf9e","windowsIdentity":"EBMN\\evaprod","machineName":"EBMROBOTPROD01","fileName":"Main","processName":"AzureIzvjestaji","processVersion":"1.0.6","jobId":"59a748d7-378e-41dc-a3ad-e6a24cc67759","robotName":"evaprod@ebmn-unattended","machineId":12}
15:49:08.3614 Info {"message":"AzureIzvjestaji execution ended","level":"Information","logType":"Default","timeStamp":"2023-01-13T15:49:08.3614483+01:00","fingerprint":"328083ef-87d1-4c3a-8023-970973442562","windowsIdentity":"EBMN\\evaprod","machineName":"EBMROBOTPROD01","fileName":"Main","totalExecutionTimeInSeconds":24,"totalExecutionTime":"00:00:24","processName":"AzureIzvjestaji","processVersion":"1.0.6","jobId":"59a748d7-378e-41dc-a3ad-e6a24cc67759","robotName":"evaprod@ebmn-unattended","machineId":12}

Looks as though your Excel sheet is the cause, try to repair it as stated earlier.


Hello @dvojinovic

Please try to create a very simple project with a message box and try to execute directly with robot.exe. As per my understanding some kind of version issue is happening for some package.
