Problem with HTTP Request - GET - Body Json

Hello, I need help with a small problem, I am with a C # project and I have also tried it with VB.

I am trying to use the activity http request with the same properties to get with a json body and token. I will list the properties that I have configured:

  • AcceptFormat: Json
  • Endpoint: UrlServer
  • Method: Get
  • Body: "{" TYPE \ ": " ACT \ ", " DATE \ ": " 04-01-2021 \ “}”
  • BodyFormat: application / json
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: Token
    • Content-Type: application / json

In response to execution, I always get the following message:
[{“ERROR_CODE”: “422”, “ERROR_MSG”: “Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0.”}].

For the error issue in my knowledge it is about the inside of the body, but I have tried the following things:

  • Body: “{” + “TYPE” + “:” + “ACT” + “,” + “DATE” + “:” + “04-01-2021” + “}”
  • Read File: Reading a txt file, I also tried a json file.
  • Parameters: application / json, with the body of the two tests.
  • Downgrade the package version of the http request activity (v1.7.0> v1.6.0).
  • And finally by invoke code, but even with the System.Net.Http and System.Net.Http.Headers being imported, these are not detected and they threw an error inside the invoke code.

Additionally, check that this service was working and execute the query through Insomnia Rest, which in response with a code of 200 and the array data.

If anyone has any suggestions and can help me, thank you very much.

ACT is the value