How to get previous of previous week Friday to previous week Thursday date.
Example: Date format is (dd/MM/yyyy)
All dates from 03/02/2023 to 09/02/2023
I take invoice dates from web portal and store into the data base.
I have highlighted dates in the above image. Date consider as previous of previous week Friday to previous week Thursday date.
When I am run BOT in next Monday(20 Feb 2023) it will pickup all dates from 10/02/2023 to 16/02/2023
How to get that all dates?
Minal Patil
February 13, 2023, 12:59pm
@minal.patil ,
Check this workflow, it may help you
GetDatesBetween2Dates.xaml (6.5 KB)
It will get the error
For Each: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘count’)
HI @minal.patil
Checkout this
To get previous of Previous week friday
To get last week thursday
To get all the dates you can check this steps
Assign list of string variable,
ListOfDates = New List(Of String)
For Each Enumerable.Rage(0,7)
Append item to Collection and the item will be
After the loop completed in the list you will have complete list of dates in the list
Sequence1.xaml (16.6 KB)
It solve and how can I compare this all date to web portal invoice dates.
In web portal invoice dates are 03/02/2023,06/02/2023 to 09/02/2023.
Means 04/02/2023 and 05/02/2023 date are not available.
How can I compare and downloads this invoices.
Date is available between 03/02/2023 to 09/02/2023 in web portal then download the invoice.
So can you able to datascrap this data from website? @minal.patil
If yes do that and save them in a datatable
Counter =1
For each row in datatable and in the value field give the extractdatatable variable
If activity and the condition will be
String.Join(",",ListofDates).Contains(CurrentRow("Invoice Date").ToString)
True → Click and use dynamic selectors with the attribute of idx there to click on the correct
ASSIGN Counter= Counter+1
Else → Leave it empty
You can check here for dynamic selectors
Hello Everyone,
Checkout this tutorial for knowing about a Dynamic Selector.
What is a Dynamic Selector?
Here are the Steps
In this example i am using a dynamic selector with the text attribute , you can use what ever the attributes based on your project needs
Add Assign Activity and use the text in which you need to use in your dynamic selector
Open UI Explorer in Click Activity or any that represents a action in the ui element and indicate on screen and check…