Preverving "sessions" across different calls to Power Shell activies


I’ve been spending the last weeks trying to solve this problema about creating a Microsoft Teams team, then adding some members, then doing something else, but I haven’t succeeded yet because of some problems I haven’t been able to solve (for more info, track my latest messages in the forum).

Currently I’m using the “Invoke Power Shell” activity, using one for each PowerShell command I have to execute in order to complete the seqüence, as I am using the module for PowerShell provided by Microsoft to automatize Teams functions:

    • “Connect-MicrosoftTeams” → in order to connect/authenticate on Teams with a user account. It opens a dialog for a Teams account, with a user and password prompte.
    • “New-Team” → command for creating a team. Yo must provide some information, about the owner, team name, etc.
    • “Add-TeamUser” → After the previous command has successfully executed, you should get an Id of the newly created group, and pass it to this command, along with a list of members, to add them to the group.

Well, I’m stuck halfway accross 2) and 3) because I cannot extract the Id from 2) because the returned object with that property is of a type UiPath doesn’t provide support to and I haven’t been able to avorcome it in a feasible way.

Now my attempt is to run 2) inside an script which would do the same as “New-Team” but also extract the Id from the newly created team and return it as the output of the script, and call that script in a PowerShell activity.

I’m having a hard time accomplishing so because in UiPath the script gets lauched in half a second (proving that it didn’t work well), then continues to the next activity and I get nothing in the result variables.

Apart from being hard to debug, when I try to run the script “by hand” via CMD on Windows to help debugging, I get the message that

Error: You must call the Connect-MicrosoftTeams cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets.

Which is reasonable, but the thing is that if I run a Connect-MicrosoftTeams prior to it, then I run my script, it still complains about the same.

My impression is that, when executing the commands one after another via the PowerShell activity, UiPath keeps a kind of “session” that makes them aware that the “context” is still the same and the previous “Connect-MicrosoftTeams” has been executed and the session is active.

Does anyone know what’s the way to go? Of course I understand that, probably putting all the sequence of commands inside ONE only script it should work, but I prefer to keep them as “modular” as possible, keeping any command in its own activity, to make it easir to debug and trace any errors, etc.

Ok, forget about it. Afther writing this I made a couple of changes and made it work. By merely disabling the “isScript” and “continueOn”, it executes the script properly and I get the string Id I need as an output var.

Thanks for reading

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