Hello Team
I want to integrate my Studio with MS Teams account. Is there any way to do so(except UiAutomation)
Use case: I want to observe MS Teams channel activeness. For that I want to extract Teams channel details for last 7 days such as who created the post, who reacted on that post and who commented on the post. I want to do this with UiPath Studio. Is that possible to do?
FYI: I am using community edition.
Please help me in this regard
Thanks in advance.
Have you look into these documents you may get your query resolved
You have download the package

Hey @Gokul001
Thank u for the efforts. I have downloaded this paackege to my studio. Can u please elaborate a more about the subscription this package requires for API key integration.
I have not used these activities but i think this dont need a api key for integeration
You can try something here and check it
Thank u again for the support. Please resolve one more query. From where can I found these values?
I meant to say that from where can I get these field’s values?
Hi Ruby,
I have used Teams activities before and what you need is some help from your Azure admin. Teams must be registered as an Azure app and you can then use the generated ApplicationId and the Tenant to connect UiPath to your Teams app.
See documentation here: Microsoft Teams Scope
When working with the activities, understand that everything has Ids: Teams, Channels, Messages, Replies; and they are usually nested within each other.
One tenant has many Teams
→ has many Channels
→ has many Messages
→ has many Replies
Find them with For Each loops and filter by conditions or store static Ids you want to use in a config file or something similar.
Good luck and happy automating