Hi @shanvj, Please try the following steps for PostGresql Connection
PostgreSQl DB Conncetivity ISSUE :
When We are giving “Connection String” to the New connection Database
Step 1 :
Install ODBC driver(32-bit) from “https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/5.3.html”
Step 2:
Install PostgreSQL driver(32-bit) from “https://jdbc.postgresql.org/”
Step 3:
Now, Create .DNS file using ODBC driver with PostgreSql driver
Step 4:
Now Configure the DNS file with the details of DB, User name and password
Step 5:
Now, Open UI Path -> Connection Wizard -> Set up Microsoft ODBC Data Source and upload the DNS file in the below path and click on ‘Test Connection’
Step 6:
Click on ‘Run’ and now the connection will set up
Note :
Don’t generate 64 bit DNS file. It is not supported for the Data base connection to postgresql.