Please help in doing validation for a email ID entered in input box

I need a help i want to do validation for this input box
And validation for enter wrong email address in input box a error message should appear wrong email ID or if the input box is empty the message should appear saying enter any value
Please :pray: help me in this

Use to validate the email id entered. You can use String.IsNullOrEmpty to check if user has entered any value in the text box

Alternatively, use UiPath Forms is capable of doing validation on fields :slight_smile:

Email id validation for input box

Help me with simple email ID validation in a input box
If any video is available please share it will be more helpful for me

Hi @Prithvi01, you can find the sample in the link I already shared.

Hello @Prithvi01

Welcome to UiPath community

Please check the attached workflow where it asks the user to re-enter the mail id if

  • the entered value is empty or
  • the mail id does not contain “@” symbol (3.2 KB)

This is the error after doing the validation

Please help :pray:

Hello @Prithvi01 - It looks like the some variable has an empty value. Please check the above attached workflow and see what is missing

I did that its the same madam

@Prithvi01 Can you share your workflow

Thank you everyone for your help and support for me i solved the error and got my validation done