Hi everyone,
I’m very new to UiPath and programming as a whole, so I don’t have a lot of experience in this.
I’m trying to create a program, that reads a single, random PDF-file, datascrape using regex and writing the matches in separated columns in excel. It should read a “Country”, then a number of “Customer Reference” and a corresponding “Customer Item”.
The number of “Reference” and “Item” might vary from file to file.
I have created a program, that returns the first match, but no further. I have created a program, that finds every reference, but can’t make it fit into my first program. (I have tried, but I have disabled the activity, since it didn’t work)
The picture below might describe my problem better:
Due to policies, I cannot share the PDF, but I have created a txt-based program instead, and made an anonymized file.
Sample txt-file:
PDF_output_anonymized.txt (387 Bytes)
Test_CreateTableTest.xlsx (9.7 KB)
Program; that returns first match in each column
Txt_to_xlsx.xaml (15.9 KB)
Program; that returns every “Customer Reference”-match
MatchCustomerReference.xaml (7.2 KB)
The problem seems very similar to another users issue, but their solution does not work for me:
Youtube video, that I have found inspiration from:
I would really appreciate your help, thank you.
Best regards,
Daniel Petersen