i have a requirement where i need to open pdf and search few data in it .
as of now i m giving read pdf ,declared variable for it and giving msg box as variable.contains(“”).
but its not working .
how do i do that ?
i have a requirement where i need to open pdf and search few data in it .
as of now i m giving read pdf ,declared variable for it and giving msg box as variable.contains(“”).
but its not working .
how do i do that ?
first read the PDF using Read PDF Text activity
And use contains method it should be work check if the value which you are using in contains is present in (Read PDF Text activity output or not).
the other way you can use regex for matching.
After using Read PDF Text or Read PDF with OCR store the output in a variable and its datatype is System.String.
After that use If condition and give the required keyword.
Check the below image for better understanding:
Hope it helps!!
its telling object not set to instance of object
passed that only but not coming
reg x can you show me ?
USD IS THE KEYWORD … THATS the general one … i have take more information like that from pdf
Can you share sample text @poojaskyrathore and try writing the output of Read PDF text t Write Text file to check how USD letters are getting printed. Share a sample PDF so that I can help you out.
could you pls share PDF?
Just to be sure add a tolower and give the keyword in lower case…also I believe its a single word
Also I hope youa re reading full pdf