I read the pdf and then print it to the txt file. There are a lot of expressions in the txt file.
Document No: 1111
Invoice No: 222
Price: 4545
I just want to get the “invoice no” value. How can I do ?
I read the pdf and then print it to the txt file. There are a lot of expressions in the txt file.
Document No: 1111
Invoice No: 222
Price: 4545
I just want to get the “invoice no” value. How can I do ?
Hi D Ulutas,
this won’t work because “invoice no” can be replaced.
Example: Invoice1
Document No: 1111
Invoice No: 222
Price: 4545
Example: Invoice2
Document No: 1111
Price: 4545
Invoice No: 222
assuming pdfText is the string outupt of read pdf text
you can get Invoice No using
System.text.regularExpressions.regex.match(pdfText, "Invoice No: ([\d]+)").Groups(1).value
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