Path cannot be null issue

hi, what does path cannot be null suggest the issue to be?

Please check the Filepath u have provided while using the “Read PDF Text” Activity .
Can you please share the SS of the file path?


hi, here is my filepath, ive sensored my name and organisation

hereis the folder, it isnt empty but it doesnt work


From screenshot we can see that the folder path provided is containing only outlook item type files no pdf…

and secondly please confirm what is the variable you are using in read pdf activity as that is where error is thrown…and whatever you used basically is null or empty…check the variable from the locals panel by running in debug to confirm

Hope this helps


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Hey @Pyx
Its file path or folder path ?
The path is null.
Please check it.

folder path. what does it mean when it states null

hi ive added a pdf and same issue still, any other alternativess thanks!


Can you show what you are doing…Because the issue is with your variable…we can know where its getting null before going to read pdf


Hey if you are using read pdf file
Is this where you are getting error?

You need to give pdf file path till folder path + yourPDFName.pdf

Cheers. Try this

pdf image^

hii the issue is with the variable attachment_list
here is its output but when i do attachment_list(0), it is null

Change the Location of the data, this error maybe because path contains space" " as in between onedrive location.

Check the read pdf input path should contains .pdf

check the for each file in folder activity you chosen .pdf extension or not if yes then check namespace it should contains “.pdf” as extension


Can you share the xaml you are using and from where you are getting attachment and all…More details can help in resolving


Hii @Pyx ,
While using Read pdf text activity you are basically pointing out the pdf you are using but from your screenshot we can see that you have mentioned the folder but not the file which might present inside that folder. moreover (.pdf )Extension is missing
You can refer below SS for your reference



hi ive done so but it is a folder path, so it doesnt work if i add the .pdf

Hii @Pyx ,
I told in the Read PDF text activity not in the Save attachment activity in the save attachment activity you have to provide the folder itself where your required files will go and save.Then that saved file path you should provide to Read pdf text activity in order to read the text inside the pdf file .Can you just manually browse for a file which you have downloaded from the save attachment activity and make it dynamic later in the same format?