Hello everyone i have two excel file and i need to compare those two excel sheet column data and pick unique value from the Sheet one and paste that value in the sheet2 column data . For example -
I’ve looked at the problem many many times and I couldn’t understand what is supposed to happen.
This is what I see:
Sheet1 - Col3 becomes Sheet2 - Col1
Sheet1 - Col2 becomes Sheet2 - Col2
When the values are same how does it make a difference if you check or not…you need not append the data…you can overwrite whole data so that if value is present or not it is over written any ways
Is there a posibility that there might be a value in sheet2 which is not there is sheet1 as well?
If so then use the below query to get unique from sheet1
Dt1 = dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) Not dt2.AsEnumerable.Any(function(y) y(0).ToString.Equals(x(0).ToString))).CopyToDatatable