I am trying to use the new real time forms to gather several pieces of data from users but I’m having some issues parsing the JSON object being output.
I tried using the deserialize JSON activity but it keeps failing and I suspect its because I am using data grids in the form.
Have any of you experienced this? I know the RT forms are very new (still in pre-release as of this posting) but they do seem to be the right solution for my process.
Here ‘newLink’ is my DataGrid property. You can de-serialize the above (jsArray1) and then iterate through the results (jsArray1.SelectToken(newLink)). You can again de-serialize the iterating objects and get the values of “access”,“port” etc. There might be better methods than this, but this did get the results we wanted.
I’m trying to write the information from a grid form to excel and am stumped trying to get the data. Can you kindly share a successful parse for my understanding?