*I deleted and retyped the statement with in the IN filed as you suggested.
Im sorry but i am fairly new to UiPath and coding in general so im not 100% sure what “cross check afterwards the typeargument” means. if you could give me some more details i would appreciate it.
i ran the bot and now i’m receiving a slightly new error. not sure if this is because i didnt know how to cross check type arguments.
New Error - For Each: Cannot cast Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.
*UiPath.WebAPI.activties - 1.16.2 (i think newer then whats in your screen shot).
*UiPath.System.Activities - 20.10.6 (i think older) would you recommend me upgrading?
Im not sure this is correct. i didnt make any changes between nwa and lineitem. i double checked the screen shots. please correct me if im wrong. the outer ForEach is line item and the inner ForEach is nwa
nwa is a property of your looped JObject (loop variable name: item) and its value is a JObject.
So nothing to loop, we access directly by
item(“nwa”)(“network”).Value(Of String)
item(“nwa”)(“activity”).Value(Of String)
Thank you for all your help. i have to log off for the day to take the kids to sports. I will take a look at this tonight or over the weekend talk with you on Monday. I appreciate your help and patience.
I replicated your sequence. but im getting a “Option Strict On Disallows late Binding” error. i have been trying different things for about an hour to remove the error with no joy.
I did try .ToString and not .value(of String) but received the same error