Outlook Email - To include excel table


Hi, am trying to include excel table with formatting into outlook email, is there any way to display the table the same as it is in excel, attach screenshot.

Hi @jerry.kohzl

Please check the below link:

Hi @jerry.kohzl,

I hope it helps.

Converting the file to html format:

  1. Excel file is arranged according to the desired format.
  2. File > Export > Change File Type > Save as Another File Type steps are followed on Excel. (Keystroke combination: alt+fecv+enter)
  3. In the Save as window that opens, Save as type, Web Page(.htm,.html) is selected.
  4. Selection: Sheet radio button is selected from the Save Publish field.
  5. Follow Tools > Web Options > Encoding steps.
  6. The Save this document as: field is Unicode(UTF-8).
  7. The opened window is closed with Ok, the file is saved with Save.

    Exel Example3
    Exel Example4

Adding the table to the mail body:
8) With the Read Text File activity, the html file is read and set to the string variable.
9) Encoding field “UTF-8” should be selected.
10) It is marked that the Send SMTP Mail Message activity will select IsBodyHtml from the property section.
11) The mail body part is set in html format, the adjusted string is added to the variable body.

HI, i tried to datatabletohtmltext solution, it does work but when format is using conditional formatting, it does not reflect the format, any advice?

Hi @jerry.kohzl

Can you please check this:

Hi @jerry.kohzl

Take a look on UiPath MarketPlace.

You can see the loads of packages for the same.
