Hi, how do I get a list of attachments from the emails in outlook before downloading? I want to get emails with >1 attachment and I want to move the emails with attachment file type (.doc or docx or pdf) to another folder without downloading. Can it be done? How do I do so?
we can get the count like this
where list_mailmessage is a variable obtained as a output from get outlook mail activity
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @junnieset
@Palaniyappan How about the file type for the count of e .docx? Will you be able to advise? Thank you very much.
I can help you at this part:
mail_messages(0)-is the last email from the List
For each: TypeArgument: System.Net.Mail.Attachment
To move the email I used the Exchange activity but you can use other one.
I added Break because when you find a single attachment with your extension the e-mail will be moved and it is not necessary to check the remain ones.
Hope to be helpful.
yah thats possible
like this where counter is a variable of type int32 with default value 0 defined in the variable panel
use a for each loop inside the first for each loop
here you go with a sample xaml
mail.zip (9.9 KB)
Cheers @junnieset
@VladTof This works for finding the file type so far. Thanks!
Thank you. The counter works.
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