Orchestrator job trigger - Cron expression - 1st business day of every month

Hi RPA Experts,

I need some help here. I have a process that needs to trigger 1st business day of every month.

I provided this expression: 0 30 9 1W * ? and the next trigger shows the date 10/03/2022 (Oct 3rd 2022) at 9.30am. This seems to be correct.

The next scenario I configured Oct 3rd as holiday and checked the next trigger status, it shows the date 11/01/2022.

If 3rd Oct is holiday then I was expecting the next trigger shows ‘10/04/2022’ but its showing 11/01/2022.

What am I doing wrong ?

Thank you in advance.


The Cron expression does not take into consideration the public holidays of Orchestrator.

There is no logic with the cron expression to move it to the next business day if Orchestrator thinks its a public holiday.



Thank you for the response. Any other option to handle this kind of scenarios ?

Setup the Cron that you made:
“At 09:30:00am, on the nearest weekday to the 1st of the month, every month”

(Keeping is simple for now)
Could you not setup the Cron without a calendar associated? Or does it need to not run on Public Holidays? If so, you could manually review the next 12 months and then setup one time triggers for that date or manually run them the next day?

Another option, bit more complex though, you could setup a separate calendar and have it run on the first two days of the month. Then use a separate calendar to make it only run on the day you need it.

Probably some better suggestions out there from the community :sweat_smile:



Thanks Steve for your suggestion. And yes, process should not trigger on public holidays.

Can we create a holiday list and exclude those dates alone? Am not sure if we can do this but just throwing an idea.

I tried this but did not work.

Hi @rdinesh0331 please use this crone expression for first working day of every month

0 0 0 1W*?*---->first working day

@Tapan_Behera1 , Thanks but its the same behavior when used the expression 0 30 9 1W * ?